We wish you…. all the best

Every year our new team voor the ROTC coms to help us to bring all sails op on our Oban
Always nice with Team Wageningen University
Sorry we have to translate it, but on this way you have an impression:
1.Erste Mai Reise: Samstag 27. April bis Mittwoch 1. Mai Kiel/Kiel
2. 9.-16. Juni Woche Segelreise Dänische Südsee Kiel/Kiel
3. Nach die Stockholmer Schären Stockholm ab Kiel in 13 Tagen: an Bord Kiel Sonntag 30 Juni 10:00 Uhr bis Freitag 12. Juli 10:00 Uhr.
4. Schären Woche ab/an Stockholm; Freitagabend 12. Juli 20.00 Uhr bis Freitagmorgen 19. Juli 10:00 Uhr
5. Woche ab/an Stockholm Freitagabend 19. Juli 20.00 Uhr bis Freitagmorgen 26. Juli 10:00 Uhr
6. Meilenmacher von Stockholm nach Rostock Hanse Sail: Freitagabend 26. Juli bis Mittwoch 7. August 12.00 Uhr
7. Hanse Sail: Kurztörn am Donnerstag 8. und Sonntag 11. August bei der Hanse Sail
8. Woche Dänische Inseln ab/an Kiel: Montagmorgen 26. August 10:00 bis Sonntag 1. September 15.30 Uhr
9. Sommerausklang extra langes Wochenende ab/an Kiel: Mittwochabend 18. bis Sonntag 22. September 15:30 Uhr
10. Nordsee Überführungs Woche von Wilhelmshafen (Sail) nach Rotterdam. Sonntag 29. September 20:00 bis Sonntag 6. Oktober 10.00 Nb Nur für fitte Mitsegler: Route ist stark windabhängig.
Anmeldung bei Jolan info@sailoban.com.
We made 5140 sMiles in 7 months this year. And we have a lot to tell about it!
We, the Oban family, show you some unforgettable moments we had in 2021 and for sure will have in 2022!
Stay positive! With love Olaf and Jolan
We did it again: all necessary shipspapers on board again. Every year a lot of inspectors visit the ship and controle all things.
We did a lot of maintenance you can’t see but is a lot of work. All things insight are done and now weare waiting for a bit more dry weather to paint outside. Luckely the underwatership is ready; we did it on the warf in november.
In the first spring week we wil fit all sails again with team Wageningen University. And than we will leave for Rotterdam; for the Race of the Classics to England!
We have a lot of travels which you can join without knowledge of sailing.
A very good idea when you want to travel in the Baltic: we take over all the planning. You just have to help us with the sails when possible. And after that a nice dinner is waiting for you in a familiar atmosphere. Our home harbour from where we will leave is Kiel in Germany. From there we will sail into Danish harbours on the Danish Islands. See tours.
Till 24th of december we are there: at the Xmas market in Emden just in the centre off the city Emden.
Welcome onboard for a drink or two and some nice stories about our voyages. Perhaps you book one yourself!
We are at “am Delft”. Welcome!
Our new fotobook is ready. The pictures speak for themselve, but every picture has a story I would love to tell you.. Welcome onboard!
https://www.albelli.nl/onlinefotoboek-bekijken/2054c0aa-59f5-4ceb-8470-3c323c66c67d (fit in by yourself please)