Back in Kampen 2018 again


After a windy track from Emden, Germany, over the North Sea we are back in our home harbour Kampen again.

Posted on: 8 January 2018 under: News

We wish you all the best in 2018 from Oban

kerst 2017

Posted on: 5 January 2018 under: News

Best Wishes for 2018

Best Wishes Oban

Posted on: 30 December 2017 under: Logg

Bicicle en Sailingtours were great!

gruppenreise verbinden bicecling in the Baltic; all the way from NS Essen an Bord Oban lecker Fahhradreise Ostsee

bicecling in the Baltic; all the way from NS

gruppenreise verbinden

Essen an Bord Oban lecker


Posted on: 26 July 2017 under: Logg

Happy sailing with sailoban

happy sailing sail oban

Posted on: 15 February 2017 under: News

Back in our winterharbour again.

Our Oban stays in our homeharbour Kampen during the winter. Here we work to keep her in good shape. A lot of restauration, painting has to be done each year.


Kompas Oban

Posted on: 23 January 2017 under: News

Sailingtours in the Baltic to book alone or with more

Sailing in the Baltic

Alle Reise sind inklusive leckeres Frühstuck, Mittag-Abendessen, alle Kaffee &Tee, Zweierkabine mit Deckbetten, Sailtraining, Hafengebühr.

1. Frühlingsreise Holland ab Amsterdam: 10-17 April 695€ inkl.
2. Frühlingswochenende Insel Terschelling 22/24 April              Voll
ab Harlingen 235 €
3. In den Mai rein Tanzen: 29.April-1. Mai Kiel/Kiel 245€ inkl.
4. Pfingsten Ostsee ab Kiel 360€ inkl.               Nog 2 Plätze
5. Fahrrad & Segeln Dänische Südsee28 Mai-4.Juni
799€ inkl.Zweierkabine
6. Fahrrad & Segeln Dänische Südsee 4.Juni-11.Juni 799€ inkl.Zweierkabine
7. Fahrrad & Segeln Dänische Südsee 11.Juni-18.Juni             Voll
8. Herrliche Zehn Tage Sommerreise von Kiel, Kopenhagen, Rostock.
Zur Hanse Sail. 1.-10. August, ab 995€ inkl.
9. Drei Stundenfahrt Hanse Sail Rostock 11. August 39€

10. Nach Sommer langes Wochenende  Mittwochabend 14/18 September 420€ inkl

11. Weitere Reisen können noch folgen: sehe Emailletter.

Melde euch an

Posted on: 18 March 2016 under: News

Best boat bike tour so far!

Our sailing and biking tour of the Danish Baltic was a wonderful combination of good company, good organisation, good food and good opportunities to explore lovely countryside and villages. All in all – a fantastic week! The skipper of the Oban was mindful of the prevailing winds, and charted a course each day that made cycling a pleasure, regardless of the weather! We are a mature couple, and enjoyed 30-50 kms per day of cycling on picturesque Aero, Lyo and Langeland as well as sightseeing in the ports of Kiel, Marstal, Aeroskobing, Svendbourg and Bagenkop. Would recommend this tour to anyone with a basic level of fitness, an appreciation for the outdoors – sailing, cycling walking – and a sense of adventure! Well done Olaf, Jolan, Imke and Bo – you gave us memories to treasure!!!!
Paul and Shirley King

Posted on: 14 June 2015 under: Logg

Fourth place by Race off the Classics 2015

Our start of the Saison 2015 has started very well.

Posted on: 11 April 2015 under: News

Oban at X-mas market in Emden

There we are again on de X-mas market in de Harbour City Emden. Here has our Oban been build in 1905.
You can visit us for a warm drink, our fabulous fishssoup, great stories or more. It is also possible to stay for a night.
Weinachtsmarkt Emden Obanwp

Posted on: 1 December 2014 under: News

Really fun on board Oban!

When our guest are enjoying them selfs, we are happy too.
And Angelika has really fun…
angelika Hängematte

angelika kluverbaum

angelika mon


Posted on: 16 September 2014 under: Logg

Kieler Woche 2014 with lovely sailing

Good winds and a lot of sun we had on our first sunday in the Kieler Woche.With 7.7 knots on 3 sails we have won!kilerwoche 2014

Posted on: 24 June 2014 under: News

251 sM in 7 days with not much wind

26.5. Kiel Faaborg 54,94 sm
27.5. Faaborg Middelfart 43,93 sm
28.5. Middelfart Hardersleben 28,19 sm
29.5. Hardersleben Lyø 31,67 sm
30.5. Lyø Marstal 23,62 sm
31.5. Marstal Eckernförde 46,86 sm
1.6. Eckernförde Kiel 21,67 sm

Posted on: 2 June 2014 under: Logg

ROTC University Wageningen onboard

The Race off the Classics has startet again. We are glad our wellknown team Wageningen university is on board again. Our Crew Olaf, Herman, Robert and Geoff are looking forward to race with them!
crew rotcwp team wageningen


Posted on: 1 April 2014 under: News

Sailing saison 2014 started

2014 zeil
We’re ready to sail; do you join us. Ask us; and we will make your Journey!

Posted on: 31 March 2014 under: News